Stipendiatencolloquium mit Alfonso Calderón Argelich, Devin Vartija und Radu Nedici
Do. 26. Oktober 2023, 13–17 Uhr
An Impossible Regeneration? Writing the History of the Spanish Enlightenment during the Crisis of Liberalism (1874–1939)
Dr. Alfonso Calderón Argelich (Universidad de Lleida (Spanien))
Equality and Commercial Sociability in Eighteenth-Century Paris
Dr. Devin Vartija (Utrecht University)
Emperor Joseph II’s Travels to the Eastern Lands of the Habsburg Monarchy: Power and Knowledge in the Enlightenment
Prof. Dr. Radu Nedici (Universität Bukarest)
Ort: IZEA, Christian-Thomasius-Zimmer und digitale Übertragung
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