Dr. Alexei Evstratov
Dr. phil. Fritz Wiedemann-Stipendium für Aufklärungsforschung
Aufenthalt: 01.07. bis 31.08.2024
Zur Person
Geburtsjahr: 1983
PhD (docteur ès lettres) in French and Comparative Literature, Université Paris-Sorbonne.
PhD (kandidat nauk) in Russian Literature, E. M. Meletinskii Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities – Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), Moscow.
MA (maîtrise) in French Literature, French University College, Moscow.
Specialist (MA) in Russian Literature, Faculty of History and Philology, Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), Moscow.
Watching the Human Comedy: Individual and Collective Aspects of Theatregoing and Self-Writing (from 1750 to present).
Drawing on a heterogeneous corpus of fictional and non-fictional sources, my book project investigates into the history of two social and cultural practices that flourished in France since mid-18th century, i.e. theatregoing and self-writing. By way of scrutinising these frames of creativity and reconstructing links between them, the project pursues two objectives: 1) to investigate into individual aspects and perceptions of a paragon of repetitive public event in the urban environment, which theatre was before the rise of mass culture in the late 19th century; 2) to explore different ways of appropriating the same event observable in private accounts of it (letters and diaries) authored by theatregoers simultaneously present in the playhouse. This approach will thus enable both an empirical reconstruction of frames of experience and a new theorisation of it, focusing on individuals while studying a collective experience, and explore communities and scenarios of their building scrutinising an individual practice. Reaching across different time periods and their historiographies, the project offers a transdisciplinary perspective on relations between discourses, practices, and individuals in urban settings.
Veröffentlichungen aus dem Bereich der Aufklärungsforschung
Selbständige Schriften
Les Spectacles francophones à la cour de Saint-Pétersbourg (1743-1796). L’invention d’une société (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2016).
Rodolphe Baudin, Alexei Evstratov, Paul Keenan, Vladislav Rjéoutski (eds.), Russia, Europe and the World in the Eighteenth-Century. Proceedings of the Xth International Conference of the Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia (Strasbourg: Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2023).
Andrei Zorin, Andreas Schönle, Alexei Evstratov (eds.), The Creation of a Europeanized Elite in Russia, 1762-1825: Public Role and Subjective Self (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2016).
Evgenii Rytchalovskii, Alexei Evstratov, Francine-Dominique Liechtenhan (eds.), Rossiia v XVIII stoletii [Russia in the Eighteenth Century], vol. 4 (Moscow: Drevnehranilische, 2013).
Beiträge in Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden
‘Molière sur les scènes russes: un répertoire et sa réception (1745-1845),’ Studi Francesi, n°200 (2023) : ‘L’héritage de Molière: réécritures, traductions et représentations du Grand Siècle à l’âge contemporain,’ dir. G. Bosco, M. Pavesio, L. Rescia, p. 262-274.
‘Clemency in the Boudoir. Favoritism and Imperial Virtues at the Russian Court,’ in Andreas Pečar, Damien Tricoire, Thomas Biskup, Benjamin Marschke (eds.), Enlightenment at Court: Patrons, Philosophes, and Reformers in Eighteenth-Century Europe (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2022), p. 209-230.
‘Molière avant Molière ? La première réception du corpus moliéresque en Russie,’ Littératures classiques, n° 106 (3) 2022: 105-117.
‘Opéra-comique français en Russie au 18e siècle,’ in Hervé Lacombe (ed.), Histoire de l’opéra français, vol. 1 : Du Roi-Soleil à la Révolution (Paris: Fayard).
‘Destouches en Russie au XVIIIe siècle. Structure et fonction des répertoires dramatiques,’ in Marie-Emmanuel Plagnol-Diéval, Martial Poirson et Catherine Ramond (eds.), Destouches et la vie théâtrale, coll. « Études sur le XVIIIe siècle », n°46 (Bruxelles : éditions de l’université de Bruxelles, 2019), pp. 185-200.
‘Patois, emotional ties, and the peasant question. Staging the Rustic in 1760s Russia,’ in Magdalena Marszałek, Yaraslava Ananka (eds.), Potemkinsche Dörfer der Idylle. Imaginationen und Imitationen des Ruralen in den europäischen Literaturen (Bielefeld: transcipt Verlag, 2018), pp. 155-185.
‘Dramatic Conflicts and Social Performance at the Russian Court in the 1760s: A Sociocultural Perspective on Marital Infidelity’, in Evstratov, Schönle, and Zorin (eds.), The Creation of a Europeanized Elite in Russia, 1762-1825: Public Role and Subjective Self, pp. 70-89.
‘Russian Prince vs. “German Swine”: Public Slap in the Face, Émigrés, and Local Elites in St. Petersburg at the Time of the French Revolution', in Evstratov, Schönle, and Zorin (eds.), The Creation of a Europeanized Elite in Russia, 1762-1825: Public Role and Subjective Self, pp. 238-260.
‘Drama Translation in Eighteenth-Century Russia: Masters and Servants on the Court Stage in the 1760s’, in Leon Burnett and Emily Lygo (eds.), Art as Accommodation: Literary Translation in Russia (Oxford, etc.: Peter Lang, 2013), pp. 31-54.
(co-authored with Pierre Frantz) ‘Pierre le Grand au théâtre, entre tragédie encomiastique et comédie bourgeoise,’ in Didier Alexander, Elena Galtsova and others (eds.), Rossiia i Franciia: XVIII-XX vv. Lotmanovskie chtenia (Moscow: RGGU, 2013), pp. 28-49.
‘La réception du théâtre de Regnard à la cour de Catherine II’, in Charles Mazouer, Dominique Quéro (eds.), Jean-François Regnard (1655-1709) (Paris: Armand Colin, 2012), pp. 303-326.
‘La mise en scène de la cour: la scène et la salle dans le théâtre de cour. Etude du théâtre russe à l’aube du règne de Catherine II’, in Pierre Frantz, Thomas Wynn (eds.), La scène, la salle et les coulisses dans le théâtre du XVIIIe siècle en France (Paris: Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2011), pp. 235-246.
‘Ad Urbanitatem informare: la langue et l’éducation dans les comédies de Catherine II (exemple de O temps!)’, Histoire. Epistémologie. Langage, 32:1 (2010), pp. 13-29.
‘Le style comique de Fonvizin: la poétique des personnages dans Le Brigadier’, in Modernités russes (Lyon), vol. 9, Sémantique du style (2010), pp. 27-40.
‘K istorii frantsuzskogo teatra pri dvore Ekateriny II. Novaia truppa [Towards a History of the French Theater at Catherine II's Court. A New Company]’, in Francuzy v nauchnoi i intellektual’noi zhizni Rossii, XVIII-XX vv. (Moscow: OLMA Media Group, 2010), pp. 175-183.
‘Russian Drama in French: Sumarokov’s Sinav and Truvor and its Translations’, in Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia. Newsletter, ed. Anthony Cross, 37 (2009), pp. 24-34.
‘Publitsisticheskii aspekt komediografii Ekateriny II: Iz kommentariia k komedii O vremia ! (1772) [The Topical Sense of Catherine II’s Comedies. Commentary on Oh These Times! (1772)]’, in Vestnik RGGU. Seriia Zhurnalistika. Literaturnaia kritika, 11 (2009), pp. 212-218.
‘K semantike siuzheta pridvornoi komedii 1760-kh gg. (Mot, liuboviiu ispravlennyi V.I. Lukina) [The Plot’s Semantics in Russian Court Comedy of 1760s (A Spendthrift Reformed by Love by Vladimir Lukin)]’, in Russkaia filologiia (Tartu), 20 (2009), pp. 18-26.
‘K voprosu o genezise “teorii skloneniia na russkie nravy”: literatura i gosudarstvennyi zakaz v nachale tsarstvovaniia Ekateriny II [Genesis of the “Theory of Adaptation to Russian Mores”: Literature and the State Command in the beginning of Catherine II’s Reign]’, in Russkaia filologiia (Tartu), 19 (2008), pp. 29-34.
‘“...Luchshe zhit’ s knigami, chem s bol’shei chast’iu liudei”: graf D. P. Buturlin i ego kar’era [“…it is better to live with books than with the majority of the people”: Count Dmitrii Buturlin and his career]’, in Lesnaia tekstologiia: trudy III letnei shkoly na Karel’skom peresheike po tekstologii i istochnikovedeniiu russkoi literatury (Saint-Petersburg: IPC SPGUTD, 2007), pp. 64-74.