Irwin, Dr. Joyce
Princeton Research Forum, USA
Aufenthalt: 01.06.2018 - 31.08.2018
Zur Person
Geburtsjahr: 1944
1962-66: A. B. Washington University (St. Louis)
1966-72: M.A., M. Phil., Ph.D. Yale University
wissenschaftliche Anstellungen bzw. Tätigkeiten:
University of Georgia, 1970-1977
Colgate University: assistant professor, 1977-82; research associate, 1982-2012
Princeton Research Forum, 2012-
wichtige wissenschaftliche Funktionen und Mitgliedschaften:
American Bach Society; Society for Christian Scholarship in Music
Music in the Biblical Commentaries of Halle Theologians in the early Eighteenth Century
In my previous research into differing views on church music in the 18th century, I have focused primarily on polemical writings that reveal sharp differences between Pietist and Orthodox Lutheran theologians. By reading commentaries on biblical passages about Israelite worship, David’s psalm-singing, Paul’s injunctions to sing in worship and the Song of the Lamb in Revelation, I expect to find a less polemical appreciation of the role of music. Halle theology professor Joachim Lange was especially prolific in writing biblical commentaries, which will be the starting-point of my research, but I will also look at the writings of other Halle professors such as Joachim Justus Breithaupt, Paul Anton, and Johann Jacob Rambach.