Award Ceremony: Chodowiecki-Award donated to Dr. Hannes Kerber (Harvard). With a lecture of PD Dr. Thomas Martinec (Regensburg)
book presentation
Award Ceremony: Chodowiecki-Prize awarded to Dr. Hannes Kerber (Harvard). With a lecture of PD Dr. Thomas Martinec (Regensburg)
16. November 2022, 18 Uhr
Chodowiecki-Award: Award ceremony
Presentation of Chodowiecki-Award to Dr. Hannes Kerber
Lecture: PD Dr. Thomas Martinec (Regensburg): Lessing und der Ton an der Schwelle zur Moderne
The first awardee of the newly created Chodowiecki-Award of IZEA is Dr. Hannes Kerber (Munich), currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the the Department of Government at Harvard University.
The prize is awarded to Kerber's book 2021 "Die Aufklärung der Aufklärung. Lessing und die Herausforderung des Christentums" which was published by Wallstein Verlag in 2021.
Venue: Library of the IZEA
Interdisciplinary Centre of European Enlightenment Studies (IZEA), MLU Halle-Wittenberg, Franckeplatz 1, Haus 54, 06108 Halle (Saale)
Contact and further information:
Phone.:+49 (0)345 55 21781